Saturday, 4 April 2009

Problem installing Spam filtering in Virtualmin

Got a problem with promail not being installed correctly, to confirm ran yum install procmail and it's already installed.

Created the file /etc/procmailrc (with the right rules) and tried to enable spam filtering and it got closer to working, on another page got this error:

[quote]Warning - any rules defined below will not be used : Procmail is not enabled in your Postfix configuration. The configuration file /etc/postfix/ must have the mailbox_command option set to /usr/bin/procmail.[/quote]

I made the above change to the config file. New message:

[quote]Failed to save enabled features : The procmail command /usr/bin/procmail is owned by group mail, when it should be owned by root. Email may not be properly delivered or checked for spam.[/quote]

Using chgrp -v root /usr/bin/procmail changed owner to root and get this when enabling spam filtering-

[quote]Failed to save enabled features : The procmail command /usr/bin/procmail has 100755 permissions, when it should be setuid and setgid to root. Email may not be properly delivered or checked for spam.[/quote]

Don't know how to do that so stopped there.

In Virtualmin I now have a list of Procmail Mail Filter rules that are similar to what I see in my other Virtualmin server, so the file you suggested I create is being read and working, comparing to my other server it lacked this filter, so added it just in case:

Append to file $DEFAULT Always execute action

So looks like something else isn't setup/working correctly.

Finally figured it out, ran chmod 6755 /usr/bin/procmail and that got it working.

Comment Spam using wordPress